Free ports

The map shows an overview of all harbours or clubs associated with the Free Port Organization (FH). In Free Ports, boat owners may borrow each others’ berths for a reduced visitor’s fee.

Aabenraa Baad Club A.m.b.A.

Aabenraa Baad Club A.m.b.A.

Welcome to Aabenraa Baad Club A.m.b.A


Arrival from the sea side

Aabenraa Baad Club is one of two marinas located at the bottom of the beautiful Aabenraa Fjord, where you can enjoy the steep wooded hills on both sides of the fjord as you approach the town from the sea.

Aabenraa Lystbådehavn

Aabenraa Lystbådehavn

Please note that it is not possible to reserve a place prior to arrival at the port. This applies to both guest sailors and motorhomes.

Amtoft Havn

Amtoft Havn

Welcome to the Marina at Amtoft

Amtoft Marina is a small cozy harbour located between Løgstør and Thisted.
Situated centrally on the Limfjord’s coastline, with views of Feggerøn, Mors, Livø, and Fur, it is the ideal starting point for trips around the fjord.
The beautiful, child friendly beach next to the harbour makes the area very popular with visitors.

Asaa Lystbådehavn

Asaa Lystbådehavn

When the sun shines from a clear sky, it is time to enjoy the outdoorlife and the environment in Asaa town and habour. The waves invites you to saile or surfe. On the way to the habour you will find the small redpainted fisherhouses from 1930'ies. In one of the houses there is a nice fishing museum with collections of fishingtools, engines and navigationsequipement used through times. There is a special exibition "The mild coast".

At the habour you will find a fishshop, where it is possible to get a refreshment.


Attrup Havn

Attrup Havn

Attrup Marina is definitely worth a visit
Here you will berth in scenic surroundings a mere walk from the atmospheric village of Attrup and just 10 km (6.4 miles) from the town Brovst. Attrup is one of many small, thriving villages in the Jammerbugt area in Northern Denmark, and its focal point is the marina with its incredible panoramic view of the Limfjord.

The marina is newly renovated and offers modern harbour amenities, bicycle rental and lots of opportunities for outings in the nearby area.

Ballen Lystbådehavn

Ballen Lystbådehavn

Grocery-shopping at Syltemae Camping - distance 1.5 Km. Emergency telephone is available.

Blans Havn

Blans Havn

Blans Harbour is a gem in the Smålandsfarvandet waters where true peace and quiet await. The harbour has a beautiful location in a small bay on North Lolland, surrounded by forest and the most incredible view across the Smålandsfarvandet. The entrance is marked with four green spar buoys close to berth depth.

Harbour fees

The harbour accepts payment through the Danish payment app MobilePay or in cash. Ships longer than 15 metres (49 ft.) must pay a fee of DKK 13 per metre per 24 hours.

Brøndby Havn

Doverodde Havn

Doverodde Havn

Doverodde Marine is a little yachting  harbour with room for 100 boats. It is situated in an area of great natural beauty and cultural interest along the coast at the Limfjord in Doverodde. At the entrance to Doverodde you can see the 7-8000 years old stone age slope. Here you also find the largest group of burial mounds in Denmark. 

Dronningborg Bådelaug

Dronningborg Bådelaug

Esbjerg Søsport

Esbjerg Søsport

Fanø Lystbådehavn

Fanø Lystbådehavn

Fanø Marina

Harbour due for  every 24 hours (please notice that the harbour due - standard - is incl. electricity):

Boat's length < 10 m   DKK 100,-
Boat's length > 10 m   DKK 120,-
Are you staying longer than one week please contact the harbour master
Trailer boats and dinghies    DKK 50,- for 4 hours

Free port boats (max. 72 hours, after that the standard harbour due is valid):
Environmental due     DKK 20,-
Electricity                  DKK 20,-

Flensborg Yacht Club Havn

Flensborg Yacht Club Havn

Frederikshavn Marina

Frederikshavn Marina

Situated 0,3 nautical mile S of Frederikshavn Flådehavn. Kattegat 57 25,57´N 10 31,8´E - map 123.

Frederikhavn Marina is a modern marina with many facilities:
-including a service building
-clubhouse with a lounge for guest sailors
-lookout bridges with grills
-a 8 ton crane
-a facility for emptying chemical toilets
-24 hour parking spaces for auto campers and trailors
-wireless internet
-a restaurant in the harbour area,
and much more.

For more information, see the marina's website:

Frederikssund Lystbådehavn

Frederikssund Lystbådehavn

Frederikssund Lystbådehavn A.m.b.a.

The Frederikssund Marina is situated just beside the outdoor site of the annual Frederikssund viking play and the Frederikssund Viking Settlement with its historically correct replicas of Viking buildings.

Frederiksværk Lystbådehavn A.m.b.a

Frederiksværk Lystbådehavn A.m.b.a

Frederiksværk Marina is a Mecca for yachting families with its green spaces with room for lots of fun activities, playground, well-sheltered barbecue areas and cosy nooks with world-class views over the fjord. Frederiksværk has its own special spirit; feel the authentic marina atmosphere with charming red gear storage sheds and the scent of freshly smoked goods from the marina’s well-stocked fishmonger’s shop.

Gisseløre Havn, Kalundborg

Gisseløre Havn, Kalundborg

Glyngøre Havn

Gråsten Sejlklub

Gråsten Sejlklub

Greve Marina, Hejren

Greve Marina, Hejren

Greve Marina, Mågen

Greve Marina, Mågen

Guldborg Lystbådehavn

Guldborg Lystbådehavn

Hadsund Lystbådehavn

Hadsund Lystbådehavn

Do not miss your chance for an exceptional sailing experience in Mariager Fjord. About an hour and a half’s sail into the fjord, by many called the prettiest in Denmark, you will make land in Hadsund Marina. Here you will be encircled by the fjord and idyllic beechwoods. Back in time, Hadsund was a busy commercial harbour, but today, the marina attracts many yachtsmen from far and wide with its ultramodern facilities and scenic surroundings.

Handbjerg Marina

Handbjerg Marina

Haverslev Jolle og lystbådehavn

Haverslev Jolle og lystbådehavn

Havnsø Havn

Havnsø Havn

The harbour has facilities for regular as well as visiting boats.
There are 250 berths for yachts and a similar number of winter berths.

For further information contact the
harbour master.
Harbour Office:
Havnepladsen 1, DK-4591 Føllenslev,
Office hours: 11-12, Thursday 16-17 too. 
Or the Tecnical Department of the Community of Kalundborg.

Herslev Lystbådehavn

Herslev Lystbådehavn

Herslev Harbour is a quiet harbour surrounded by open areas. A different kind of harbour, very attractive and full of charm and well worth a visit. With its beach the harbour is ideal for families with children.

Hestehoved Lystbådehavn

Hestehoved Lystbådehavn

Hjarbæk Havn

Hjarbæk Havn

Welcome to Hjarbæk Harbour

An idyllic little harbour located at the southernmost point of the Limfjord. The harbour is particularly known for its many traditional boats (sjægte) and the cozy inn.

Hobro Lystbådehavn

Hobro Lystbådehavn

Hobro Marina On May 30th 1935, Hobro Yacht Club was founded and in 2010, it celebrated its 75thanniversary. In 1967, after 32 years wait, it had its own harbor. The wait was not in vain because the result of the efforts was Hobro Marina, which today presents itself as a beautiful and modern harbor filled with life and a maritime atmosphere. When you sit in the clubhouse at Hobro Marina, which is located at ?Sildehagen? on the north side of the fjord, you become speechless.

Holbæk Lystbådehavn

Holbæk Lystbådehavn

Holbæk Marina

Holstebro-Struer Lystbådehavn

Holstebro-Struer Lystbådehavn

Holstebro-Struer Marina Holstbro-Struer Marina is the largest on the Limfjord. During the summer the marina is buzzing with activities - a great combination of landlubber, tourists and yachtsmen. All contribute to the positive and special atmoshere which many appreciate. The staff at the marina take pride in keeping Holstebro-Struer Marina clean, inviting and user-friendly.

Horsens Marina

Horsens Marina

Set course for Horsens Fjord and embark on an unforgettable sailing vacation. The sail from the entry in the east to the head of the fjord is around 7 nautical miles long. Take your time to enjoy the fjord’s islets, wildlife, hilly scenery and bays with idyllic anchoring places. Horsens Fjord carries a rich culture-historical heritage from the Viking Age, visible in the many burial mounds along the shores.

Hvalpsund Lystbådehavn

Hvalpsund Lystbådehavn

Hvalpsund Færgehavn

Harbur with good bathing facilities.

Safe bathing beach for children.
Bikes for rent

Natureprotected area with walking routes

Fishing in the Limfjord

Hvide Sande Lystbådehavn

Hvide Sande Lystbådehavn

Hvidovre Lystbådehavn

Hvidovre Lystbådehavn

Hørby Lystbådehavn

Hørby Lystbådehavn

Ishøj Havn

Ishøj Havn

Type: Yacht harbour, marina & jetty. Position: 55o36, 596'N 12o24, 127'E S-pierhead. Ishøj Harbour lies in the middle of the Beach Park (Strandparken) only about 200 metres from a wonderful sandy beach. The Beach Park is a recreational area with wood, lake and great nature. Capacity: Number of boats: 600 Maximum depth: 2,5 metres Daily rates: 130 DKK including electricity and bath Facilities: Fresh water Electricity Gas Toilet and bath Holding tank Slipway, crane, repair Kiosk/shop Restaurant/café Grilling places  Laundry room Bus No.

Jakobshavn-Appenæs Bådelaug.

Jakobshavn-Appenæs Bådelaug.

Jungshoved Kirkehavn

Jungshoved Kirkehavn

Jyllinge Lystbådehavn

Jyllinge Lystbådehavn

The Jyllinge Marina is situated in a beautiful part of the Roskilde Fjord rich on isles. The approach east of the isle "Lilleø" is buoyed. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to call into the marina in darkness for persons with no local knowledge. Mast and boat cranes available.

Jyllinge Nordhavn

Jyllinge Nordhavn

Kalkbrænderihavnen København

Kalkbrænderihavnen København

The Marina provides the optimal starting point for a visit of Copenhagen. The City of Copenhagen within half an hour resch. Railway station and bus to City are within a maximum of 15 minutes walking distance. This also applies to a marine equipment shop, supermarkets and a variety of restaurants.

Kaløvig Bådehavn

Kaløvig Bådehavn

Kignæs Lystbådehavn

Kignæs Lystbådehavn

Kignæs Haarbour

The Kignæs Harbour is situated in Neder Dråby on the edge of  Jægerspris. Bicycles can be rented at the harbour and there are many places of interest to visit, among them the royal castle in Jægerspris and the North Forest, where you will find the ancient King?s Oak, which  is 1,400-1,900 years old.The nearest shopping facilities are approx. 500 yards from the harbour. 

Kolding Nord

Kolding Nord

Welcome to Kolding Yacht Marina
We hope you have enjoyed your sail from the Little Belt and through the beautiful Kolding Fjord. When you approach Kolding Yacht Marina, you will find that the marina is divided into a North and a South Harbour.
In Harbour South, you will find the Harbour Office and the charming historical stables from the time when the harbour was a base for cattle exports. If you plan on visiting the Trapholt art museum, the walking distance is shorter from Harbour North.

Kolding Syd

Kolding Syd

Welcome to Kolding Yacht Marina
We hope you have enjoyed your sail from the Little Belt and through the beautiful Kolding Fjord. When you approach Kolding Yacht Marina, you will find that the marina is divided into a North and a South Harbour.
In Harbour South, you will find the Harbour Office and the charming historical stables from the time when the harbour was a base for cattle exports.

Kongsdal Lystbådehavn

Kongsdal Lystbådehavn

Kulhuse havn

Kulhuse havn

Kulhuse havn

There is a fine sandy beach right next to the harbour at Kulhuse. 

København, Sydhavnen

København, Sydhavnen

Langø Bådelaug

Langø Bådelaug

Langø Havn

Lemvig Havn

Lemvig Havn

Lemvig Harbour consists of the West- Old- and East Harbour.

The West Harbour is also called the Fishing Port and it is the place of the fish processing and service companies.

Old Harbour is a repair port in connection with fishing.  Here you also find Mathilde?s Quay which is the centre of many tourist activities.

Lemvig Marina

Lemvig Marina

Lemvig Marina has a capacity of approximately 120 boats.

There are bathroom facilities, a barbecue area, a slipway and rigging-sheers.Close to the marina you also find a camping site, a restaurant, a cottage area and a kiosk.Follow the coastal road, Strandvejen, and you will soon get to the centre of town where you find a cheerful atmosphere in the good shops of the pedestrian area.

Harbour master: Svend Åge Laursen. - Can also be reached on phone numbers  +45 40 10 01 16 or +45 97 82 01 06.

Lyndby Havn

Marbæk Lystbådehavn ApS

Marbæk Lystbådehavn ApS

Marbæk Lystbådehavn The Marbæk Marina has a Club House, a shop and several barbeque sites available to visitors. During the summer the marina is open from early morning till late in the evening. In the winter time only open during the day.

Margretheholms Havn

Margretheholms Havn

Welcome to S/K Lynetten, Margretheholm Harbor.

We are very proud of our cozy harbor, and we look forward to welcoming you.

Here is some information about our harbor.

Clubhouses S/K Lynetten has two clubhouses.

The house in the west, Vestersøhus, contains a small kitchen, a lounge area, as well as toilet and shower facilities.

Marina Fiskenæs

Marina Fiskenæs

Området omkring Gråsten er en populær sejlerdestination med flere hyggelige havnemiljøer, der emmer af maritime aktiviteter og utallige gæstende både og sejlere.
Gode havnefaciliteter
Marina Fiskenæs lystbådehavn tilbyder mere end 200 liggepladser for både i størrelsen fra 15 fod – 42 fod. I tilknytning til lystbådehavnen har vi bygget et nyt klubhus i 2018: Nyt klubhus på 111 m2 – med køkken, opholds- og spisestue samt toilet- og badefaciliteter. Brusebad betales pr.

Marina Fjordparken

Marina Fjordparken

Welcome to Aalborg Sailing Club.

Marina Fjordparken is located in west Aalborg, close to a bus to the city center, just a 10-minute walk or a 5-minute bike ride from several restaurants and shops. It’s a cozy harbor with peaceful surroundings, and there are always friendly and helpful people to assist you. There is a large clubhouse with showers, toilets, a kitchen, a washing machine, a dryer, a TV, games, and more.

You can rent SUP boards and kayaks. All facilities are available, including an open clubhouse and wireless internet.

Mellerup Bådelaug

Mellerup Bådelaug

Nibe Lystbådehavn

Nibe Lystbådehavn

Dock at Nibe Marina and enjoy the cosy vibe and the many boats. The harbor offers rental of electricity, toilet, bath, washing machine and dryer. Use the opportunity to visit the old fishing town with lovely old houses and cobble-stoned streets.

The water depth in the harbor is 2-2.5 metres. Nibe Marina is situated a few minutes from the various shopping opportunities in the town of Nibe, and there are many regular buslines with stops at the Marina. At the Marina, you can enjoy great atmosphere, delicious food or a cold beer. 

Nolds Havn

Nolds Havn

Nolds Havnis a cosy little harbour by the Næstved canal, between Karrebæksminde Fjord and Næstved Havn. There are 70 berths spread across the quay and two jetties.

There is electricity on the jetties, and there is access to toilets, including disabled toilets.

Shower facilities, a washing machine and a tumble dryer can be used for a fee – you can buy the tokens at the harbour with cash. There is access to a cosy communal house with a kitchen and a covered terrace.

Nordhammer Bådelaug

Nordhammer Bådelaug

Nykøbing F Lergraven

Nykøbing F Lergraven

Nørre Uttrup Lystbådehavn

Nørre Uttrup Lystbådehavn

Welcome to Nørre Uttrup Marina

East of Aalborg, along the calm waters of the Limfjord, you'll find Nørre Uttrup Marina – one of Denmark's small, charming marinas with nearly 100 berths. Here at our marina, you will be greeted with a warm atmosphere and a friendly welcome, where there is almost always space for guest sailors.

Nørresundby Lystbådehavn

Nørresundby Lystbådehavn

Odense Bro

Pouls Vig Bådelaug

Pouls Vig Bådelaug

Randers Lystbådehavn

Randers Lystbådehavn

Ringkøbing Havn

Ringkøbing Havn

Ringkøbing Harbour is used by fjord-fishermen and sparetime sailors.



Rønnerhavnen. Small harbour north of the city surrounded by little red fishermen?s houses.  200 m to camping site and public transportation.  Restaurant Penna?s.  Large natural playground for children.  Blue Flag (harbour and beach)

Sakskøbing Havn

Sakskøbing Havn

Sakskøbing Lystbådehavn

Sakskøbing Lystbådehavn

Sakskøbing marina is in a picturesque, unspoilt setting in Sakskøbing Fjord, surrounded by beautiful scenery, coastal meadows, deciduous woodland and fields. Just ten minutes walk along the inlet, you will find Sakskøbing Torv square in the middle ofthis friendly centre, offering a range of amenities including shopping facilities. Sakskøbing marina operates a free port scheme,and it is also possible to borrow bicycles completely free of charge so that you can get around and enjoy this beautiful area,for example visiting the many galleries near Sakskøbing.

Skive Søsportshavn

Skive Søsportshavn

Access to club house.
Ca. 1.5 km to Skive centre.
Free stay for members of the free port organization.
500m to warf/repair/gas.

Skuldelev Havn

Skuldelev Havn

 Skuldelev Havn

Skuldelev harbour is a free harbour. There are ideal sailing conditions for beginners due to the protection provided by the high ridge of land at Skuldelev. Distance to bathing jetty: 300 metres.

Skælskør Amatør-Sejlklubs Havn

Skælskør Amatør-Sejlklubs Havn

Welcome to Skælskør Amatør-Sejlklub’s harbour

Sailing from The Great Belt/Agersøsund and passing the landfall buoy to Skælskør Fjord, a 2.5nm stunning passage to Skælskør Amatør-Sejlklub’s harbour awaits you. The harbour is on your port side at the end of the inlet.

Remember to carefully follow the marked channel with a depth between 3.5 and 4.0m.

Good facilities

Skælskør Amatør-Sejlklub’s clubhouse and bathrooms/showers are newly renovated. Use of showers, power and water on the bridges are included in the harbour fees.

Stauning Havn, Strandvejen 3, 6900 Skjern

Stauning Havn, Strandvejen 3, 6900 Skjern

Small charming harbour situated approx. 7 km north-westerly from the town Skjern

Stige Ø (Odense)

Stige Ø (Odense)

Sundby Sejlforen. Havn

Sundby Sejlforen. Havn

Sundsøre Lystbådehavn

Sundsøre Lystbådehavn





Thisted Sejlklub

Thisted Sejlklub

Toreby Sejlklub

Toreby Sejlklub

Udbyhøj Lystbådehavn

Udbyhøj Lystbådehavn

Right in the middle of the Kattegat, at the mouth of Randers Fjord, lies this gem of a marina.

A place for both adults and children, with a playground, covered dining area and the most wonderful child-friendly beach just a short stroll away.

The area around Udbyhøj Marina is well-known and loved by bird-watchers, anglers and others with a love for unspoilt nature. Go hiking in the bird sanctuary east of the marina or take advantage of the excellent fishing opportunities around the marina, located only minutes from the fjord and sea.

Udbyhøj Syd

Uggelhuse Sejlklub

Uggelhuse Sejlklub

Vallensbæk Havn

Vallensbæk Havn

Veddelev Lystbådehavn

Veddelev Lystbådehavn

Welcome to Veddelev Habour

Veddelev Harbour is a beautifully situated and well sheltered harbor, under all wind condition.

The Clubhouse is west facing, with a beautiful view over Bognæs and up and down Roskilde Fjord.

North and south of the harbor you have beaches.

If you go south, you will also find Roskilde Camping and Café Mirakulix, a little further also Reasturant Vigen, all with a spectacular view to Roskilde City with the Cathedral in the middle.

Vejle Lystbådehavn

Vejle Lystbådehavn

Vejle Marina is located at the end of one of Denmark?s most beautiful inlets. The new state-of-the-art marina has space for approx. 650 yachts of up to 60 feet in length. Vejle Marina is located at the eastern end of Vejle Nordhavn next to Kirk Kapital?s new HQ, designed by the internationally renowned Studio Olafur Eliasson. The 6.5-meter wide central pier offers access by car to the pontoon jetties for loading and unloading. The pontoon jetties are mounted with Y-BOMMEN®.

Vestre Baadehavn, Aalborg

Vestre Baadehavn, Aalborg

Vildsund Havn A.m.b.a.

Vildsund Havn A.m.b.a.

Kombineret fiskeri- og lystbådshavn med ca. 60 pladser beliggende umiddelbart syd for Vildsund Broen. På Havnen findes hyggeligt klubhus. Adgang når betaling af havneafgift ved OK+ tankstationen beliggende ca. 30 m. vest for Broen har fundet sted. Her udleveres adgangskode.

Virksund Lystbådehavn

Virksund Lystbådehavn

Free port
Playground for the children
0.3 km to camping ground

Vive Havn

Kontakt FH

administreres af Skive Søsportshavn.


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