David Jervidal

Endelave Medicinal Herb Garden (Endelave Lægeurtehave)

The great attractions of Endelave in tranquil and homely surroundings

Quite tranquil, Endelave Medicinal Herb Garden lies on the southern edge of the village of the island. Hidden away from the road and surrounded by large birch hedges you will find his little experience-universe, which offers both food experiences, lots of “hygge”, the opportunity to buy lovely locally produced products and last but not least an exciting and educational visitor’s garden.

In the visitor’s garden, which consists of two larger sections, you can take a walk among the history of medicinal plants, from ancient times up till today. One section is a historical walk in the art and history of medicine and herbal medicine, told through 10 smaller gardens with different themes. The other section presents plants that grows on Endelave and have been used for medicinal purposes.

You will get a look into both which plants that grow in the wild on Endelave, but also how plants have been utilised for cooking and medical purposes through history. There are lots of info boards, where you can read about how the plants have been used for medical purposes, household purposes and cooking through history.


Organic delicacies

The whole garden is organic, and a myriad of exciting and interesting medicinal plants and flowers are gown. Furthermore, herbs, which are dried in their private drier-building and processed for a variety of organic herbal delicacies, are grown, and sold in the shop. The island shop is a communal shop managed by several of the island’s producers. Besides the products from the garden, you can also buy anything from Endelave-beer to jams and craft-products. It is the producers themselves, who takes turn to man the register. They would love to have a conversation about the island and the products.


The Medicinal Herb Garden’s restaurant

In the Medical Herb Garden’s you can enjoy a nice meal at Restaurant Omkring. Here, you can enjoy a creative, delicious gourmet meal, while you admire the view of the myriad of beautiful plants.


Open during the summertime

The visitor’s garden, the shop and the café are open between May and October every year. The visitor’s garden has got polite self-service. It will cost you 20 kroner to gain access to the garden and you can pay with MobilePay or in cash.


Tours, courses, activities, and theme-days

In the summertime different activities, courses, theme-days and tours are arranged, where both tourists, vacation house visitors and residences are welcome. The garden offers walk-abouts and guided tours with different themes for both smaller and bigger groups, both in the Medical Herb Garden and in nature. Contact Birgit Juel Martinsen at +45 26 13 72 60, if you are interested in a tour.


Søndermølle 29
8789 Endelave

+45 75 68 96 95

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