An active island in the Kattegat. Beautiful nature surrounded by excellent seas ... And bunnies! Endelave is located 10 km (6.2 miles) off Horsens Fjord in the Kattegat. There are two entrances: One from the north – this is where the ferry route is – and one from the west across a fairly shallow area.
The harbour master’s tip for double berthing
The marina has two basins. In the outer, new, larger marina, the berths are very long and very wide. Here, two – and sometimes three – vessels will be berthing in every ‘slip’, so it will take a couple of long hawsers and a bit of collaboration to get into place.
The harbour master’s tip: If you are berthing on your own between two mooring posts, make the boat fast to the post on the windward side. Two hawsers fore and one hawser aft. When the next boat arrives, fasten another stern rope to that.
Harbour fees are all inclusive
The marina is very stylish with its large, modern service building. All amenities – including washer, electricity and WiFi – are included in the harbour fees. At the cosy grassy area next to the marina, you will find hollows with tables and benches, providing nice sheltered areas for barbecues. Tickets are available for rides on the harbour master’s Icelandic horses.
”Active Island” – activities for everyone
In the peak season, Endelave turns into an Active Island. Check out this year’s programme at endelave.dk. Here you will find all kinds of free offers ranging from bunny running routes, walking tours, crossfit and golf. Especially popular is the sailing school where you can try stand up paddle boarding, optimist dinghies or learn to surf. There are great places for bathing – from the marina’s bathing platform and the sandy beach right by the marina.
Special offer for children: Become the captain of your very own rope ferry
Don’t say we didn’t warn you: Children can be hard to drag away from this place. The big attraction is the small rafts on the inside of the pile moorings that children may use as rope ferries when hunting the marina’s crabs. On land, the well-equipped playground is a gathering point for young and old alike.
Bunny abundance and ‘The Kanino’
Legend has it that four small bunnies were released in 1920. They reproduced, and today there are thousands of wild bunnies on Endelave. You may see them at night on grassy areas. Endelave even has its very own hiking trail: ‘The Kanino’ (from the Danish word for bunny: kanin), which includes three scenic routes.
Tie your hiking boots or jump onto your bike
The island is fairly flat, and from the marina the route goes through the idyllic old town and onwards into the most beautiful wild nature area with protected orchids and funny white tufts of cotton grass by the bog holes. On the north tongue of land, Øvre Ende (‘Upper End’), in a weird way you feel ’in the middle of the Kattegat’. The tip of the tongue parts the seas – just like famous Grenen at Skagen, the northernmost tip of Denmark. Endelave and the surrounding seas are designated an EU bird protection area.
- Shower
- Grill
- Sauna
- Playground
- Toilet
- Bike rental
- Slipway
- Electricity
- Groceries
- Water
- Restaurants
- Wi-Fi
- Washer
- Dryer
- Defibrillator
- Gas