Dive by the historical Kronborg castle

The submerged path has a number of underwater stops with plates providing information through drawings and text about the animals and plants you can see around you. The location of the plates is easily identified from the surface where they are marked with a yellow or red buoy. The plates are connected by a rope that you can follow underwater, making it easy to find your way from one plate to the next. The depth of the path varies up to a max depth of 3 metres.

Everyone can give the path a try, as it is aimed at inexperienced snorkelers, and it is suitable for both children and adults. If you feel like an unusual experience where you get a chance to try out an exciting snorkelling location and at the same time learn more about life underwater, the snorkel path is an experience for you!

The starting point of the path in the bay at Kronborg is located under the bathing jetty leading from Helsingør Nordhavn. Here, you can also find a map of the path and instructions about using the path safely.

If you get bitten by the “experiencing an area underwater” bug, you can find other snorkel paths off Hornbæk Plantage, Julebæk, Snekkersten and Nivå Strandpark. The difficulty levels of the paths vary.

Usually, the snorkel paths are available from the end of May until mid-October, but some may be temporarily closed for maintenance.

The idea for the paths arose in a collaboration between Øresundsakvariet (the Øresund Aquarium) and a network of nature interpreters called Bustergruppen, who wanted to help those interested in finding and learning about the many exciting things to be found on the sea floor.

Source: Øresundsakvariet.
Picture: VisitDenmark / Niclas Jessen
Coordinates:  latitude: 56.043598 
longitude: 12.619398           

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