

The small island of Skarø is located northeast of Drejø. To the east, the island is bordered by the channel called Knudedyb, and to the west, by the Højesteneløbet channel. Despite its modest size, Skarø has a pier on every side. “The Dead Man’s Pier” – also known as Kreuers Bro (Kreuers Pier) – from where the inhabitants of Skarø transported their dead to the church on Drejø, was located on the west coast of the island. The highest point on the island is Vesterbjerg (Western Mountain), which at nine metres above sea level definitely deserves its name. Skarø’s name possibly derives from the island’s low cliffs, called “skar” in Danish. Skarø Odde (Skarø Spit) and Skarø Rev (Skarø Reef) reaches out towards Fyn, and the curving spit demands full attention from sailors, as it is constantly changing.

The ferry service to Svendborg takes 30 minutes, which is short enough for Skarø residents to commute to work in Svendborg. As a consequence hereof, the island has not experienced depopulation to the same extent as some of the other islands in the Archipelago. Only thirty souls makes up the small Skarø community, and fights within the community are not uncommon.

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