Destination SydkystDanmark

Enø Overdrev

Enø Overdrev is a beautiful nature area located on the southern part of Enø.

The area was protected in 1953 to preserve the unspoilt and beautiful nature.

Here you can experience a very special type of landscape - a beach area that cannot be experienced in many other places in eastern Denmark.

Enø Overdrev houses many breeding and resting waterfowl and waders. To get to the overpass, you can park at the car park at the end of Enø Kystvej and take the gravel road towards the overpass. Or you can walk all the way along the beach from Enø town to the overpass.

Be aware that during the birds' breeding season (1 April - 15 July) there is no access to parts of the overgrowth.


Enø Kystvej
4736 Karrebæksminde

Andre Naturoplevelser

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