Green route, 3 km: This route passes by the old and new stadiums and a stretch where you find old beech trees. Where possible, the old giant trees are left standing. Dead trees - both standing and lying - are allowed to remain in the forest. They are home to many fungi and insects that break down the dead wood. Find the route online by following this link: Kløversti-grøn - Udeliv Vejle (only in Danish)
Blue route, 3,5 km: This route goes through Nørreskoven from Vejle Stadium. You pass by Helligkilden and the festival area, which is a large flat area in the forest. People celebrated here on Walpurgis Night and Midsummer's Eve, as the water in the spring was nine times stronger on those days than usual! The route also takes you past the hut, Sneglehuset, Dyrehaven, Gorilla Park Vejle, and Hundeskoven. Find the route online by following this link: Kløversti-blå - Udeliv Vejle (only in Danish)
Red route, 6 km: On this route, you go through parts of Nørreskoven, Dyrehaven, and Skyttehushaven. In Dyrehaven, there are particularly many old giant beeches from the early 1700s. Find the route online by following this link: Kløversti -rød - Udeliv Vejle (only in Danish)
Black route, 10 km: On this tour, you go around the entire Nørreskoven. On the route, you find two Bronze Age burial mounds that appear as small elevations in the landscape near Bybækvej. Find the route online by following this link: Kløversti-sort - Udeliv Vejle (only in Danish)
See all hiking routes in Vejle and surroundings at
Link to the online map of Vejle's hiking routes - Udeliv Vejle (only in Danish)