All those things are is possible on the ‘Marselisborg Sporet’ trail in Aarhus with plenty opportunities to spend a full weekend of family fun or together with friends enjoying lots of mountain-biking action.
Marselisborg Trail
Aarhus Trailbuilders has provided an overview of the large number of routes along the ‘Marselisborg Sporet’ trail with a length of approx. 26 kilometers. The trail passes through various types of woodlands next to the sea. The level of difficulty varies from flat, easy gravel tracks to steep descents with gnarling roots and boulders.
The ‘Marselisborg Sporet’ trail is maintained by the City of Aarhus and the Aarhus Trailbuilders and is therefore always prepared for use.
Using the trail
Aarhus Trailbuilders has designed a website to guide you to the routes that are perfect for your pace and level.
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