
A Week in the Archipelago

One Harbour After Another – the Charm of the Archipelago. 

This compressed trip leads you around the entire Archipelago, and starts in Sønderborg on the island of Als. Sail on through Marstal Bugt (Marstal Bay), past Strynø and Rudkøbing, then on to the north of Tåsinge, where you can cast anchor in Lunkebugten (Lunke Bay). Take a detour to Lundeborg, before sailing past Svendborg through Svendborgsund (Svendborg Strait) and southwards past the islands of Skarø and Drejø. You can cast anchor at Avernakø, before sailing through the waters between Faaborg and Lyø, go northwards in Lillebælt (Little Belt Strait), turn around when reaching either Assens or Middelfart, before finishing off the round-trip by taking the scenic route southwards through Alssund (Als Strait) back to Sønderborg. 



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